Cardiac Muscle
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Cardiac Muscle
Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart and is responsible for its contractions. It is made up of three layers: the epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium. The myocardium is the thickest and most important layer, responsible for generating the force needed to pump blood.
The epicardium is the outermost layer of the cardiac muscle. It is a protective layer that covers the heart. The epicardium contains blood vessels and nerves that supply the heart. It helps to reduce friction and provides a smooth surface for the heart to beat.
The myocardium is the middle layer of the cardiac muscle. It consists of thick, muscular walls responsible for pumping blood. The myocardium contracts to pump blood out of the heart. It is supplied with oxygen and nutrients through the coronary arteries.
The endocardium is the innermost layer of the cardiac muscle. It lines the chambers of the heart and covers the heart valves. The endocardium is made up of smooth endothelial cells. It provides a smooth surface to facilitate blood flow and prevents blood clot formation.
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